One Day Courses with Jackie at Delicious Cafe, Harrogate
108 Mayfield Grove, Harrogate HG1 5EY.

Contact Jackie (below) for further information and to book

A Story from Scratch

Do you like the idea of writing but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you have lots of ideas but would like help crafting them into a story? In this interactive session, we’ll use props and prompts to get the ideas flowing, apply the basic principles of short story writing and finish the day with your short story written, and the toolkit to write many more.

Day Course on Zoom
Please enquire for schedule

Formidable First

A first chapter can feel daunting, whether it’s the first words written of a new book, or future editing of it. It has lots of jobs to do, and we’ll look at those, but the biggest one of all is to hook your reader into your author’s voice, your writing style, and for this they need to feel the emotion. Readers need a story but they won’t listen (AKA: read) if nothing about the voice engages them.  In this session, we’ll focus in on the first chapter so that it grips the reader 
and will not let them go.

Day Course on Zoom
Please enquire for schedule

Sparkling Prose

Some would call this ‘editing’, but poor old ‘editing’ gets a bad press. It sounds laborious and dull but in reality, moving our first drafts into sparkling prose and pithy storytelling is the scene of many lightbulb and punching the air moments. In this session we’ll look at the key elements to taking your first draft, the words on the page, to a story that sparkles and sings. Some call it editing, I like to think of it as ‘transforming’ and adding the sparkle.

Day Course on Zoom
Please enquire for schedule

Hooking the Deal

Ah, the dreaded synopsis and submission package. Lots of people finish their novel, only to fall at this hurdle. This isn’t because their writing is lacking, but because the submission process feels too huge to tackle. Don’t let this be you! We’ll look at the key elements involved in submitting a novel to an agent, or for traditional and self-publishing, really focussing in on the trickiest of them all, the synopsis. 
We’ll do it together and make it fun!

Day Course on Zoom
Please enquire for schedule

Multi Session Courses
Writing Workshops
either: at Delicious Cafe, Harrogate
or: on Zoom

Contact Jackie (below) for further information and to book

Workshop your Story
at Delicious Cafe

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, writing is a team game. We can never know exactly how our words hit our reader as they devour our stories, because we know too much; our brains are crammed with so much that has contributed to the story, that isn’t on the page. But worry not, help is on hand, from your happy tutor and sunny fellow writers. The focus of the sessions will be on your extracts, but we have a few other writing tit-bits to help send you on your way, enthused and armed to continue.


Class Size: four writers





Next places available
Autumn 2024
Please Contact for further information 

Total Price: £90 
per course (four sessions) 

Feedback Frenzy
on Zoom

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, writing is a team game. We can never know exactly how our words hit our reader as they devour our stories, because we know too much; our brains are crammed with so much that has contributed to the story, that isn’t on the page. But worry not, help is on hand, from your happy tutor and sunny fellow writers. The focus of the sessions will be on your extracts, punctuated with a short writing exercise and  other writing tit-bits to help send you on your way, enthused and armed to continue.


Class Size: 
three or four writers

Only one place available
Autumn 2024

Start: Tuesday 17 September
Please Contact for further information 

Total Price: £75 
per course (four sessions) 

Jackie Buxton

Writer, editor, teacher.

I’m the author of Tea & Chemo (Live Better With’s ‘Best Cancer Book, 2017’) and Glass Houses (upmarket book group fiction) as well as short stories in anthologies, Chase Magazine and on-line. I love every aspect of story-writing, including all the edits (honest) because they are what make our stories really SING. As well as teaching creative writing, I’ve edited scripts for as long as I can remember and professionally since 2013, and I love nothing more than watching those lightbulbs go off 😊

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